It was said that he had problems with alcohol and it went even worse after Sentenced quit in 2005. Miika Tenkula was the only member of Sentenced that disappeared from the musicscene.
Over the years we were all priviledged to hear such songs like "No One There", "End Of The Road", "Lower The Flags", "Ever-Frost", "Vengeance Is Mine", "Killing Me Killing You", "My Slowing Heart", "Mourn", "Noose" that were written by Miika Tenkula.
Sentenced respected the memory of Miika Tenkula by issuing the following statement:
"Sentenced mourn the loss of Miika Tenkula, a dear friend, a truly remarkable artist and musician, and the very soul of what used to be Sentenced. Rest now, brother - in your music and our hearts you will live forever.
R.I.P. Miika Tenkula [1974 - 2009]"
Killing Me Killing You
No One There