That sounded like a no means it was ment to be one :) That's just the way it goes. But having searchengines is very important. I think majority of us use those searchengines every day cause let's face it, internet is the nro 1 source for information these days. When you need to find something, you sit on the computer and start punching. The fact that you find something is cause those searchengines have crawled websites and stored the information. But every now and then we stumble on a website or service that really helps us. Cause of my work in Metal From Finland I need to find information about finnish metalbands very often and not all of it is accessible anymore. Bands renew their websites, some information gets lost along the way. Some even want to remove some information cause "Well it was part of our past and we don't stand for those things anymore". But I still want to read about it dammit! Well now there's a chance that you can.

Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The resulting pages point to other archived pages at as close a date as possible.
Below are some links I checked:
Metal From Finland*/
Only year 2007 was indexed but you can see how MFF started :) Oh the nostalgy!
Starting point*/
Nightwish member-profiles back in 1999
Starting point*/
(Ville Valo biographjy back in 2001)
Children Of Bodom
Starting point*/
The 69 Eyes
Starting point*/
Well by now I think you've got the general idea what it does. I use it mainly for checking band-stuff but remember that it's all about websites...not just bands so you can check just about anything there! Have fun people!
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